

View our Local and Affordable Housing Strategy, along with the Affordable Housing Policy.

Cumberland Local Housing Strategy

The Central City District Plan requires councils to develop housing targets to guide short, medium, and long-term housing growth. Specifically, it requires Council to demonstrate how we will deliver and develop 5 and 10 year dwelling targets for Cumberland and contribute to the 20 year strategic dwelling target for the Central City District.

The Cumberland Local Housing Strategy identifies a vision and key priorities with supporting objectives and actions, and defines our land use planning approach to deliver housing supply for Cumberland. The Strategy aligns with the Central City District Plan and Cumberland 2030: Our Local Strategic Planning Statement.

The strategy proposes a 20 year housing supply target of 28,000-28,500 additional dwellings for the Cumberland area, as part of a Central City District housing supply target of 207,500 additional dwellings.

The strategy outlines 5 priorities to meet the housing needs of Cumberland, supported by a range of objectives and actions. The priorities are:

  1. Delivering housing diversity to suit changing community needs
  2. Promoting transit-oriented housing options to support the 30 minute city
  3. Facilitating housing that respects and enhances local character
  4. Valuing heritage and cultural diversity in housing
  5. Infrastructure-led housing delivery 

Council adopted the Cumberland Local Housing Strategy at its Ordinary Meeting held on 17 June 2020.


Affordable Housing Strategy

The Cumberland Affordable Housing Strategy has been prepared, drawing together previous work undertaken by Council and responding to the challenge of affordable housing.

Housing affordability and housing mix remain key considerations for the Cumberland community, particularly given household structures, demographics and cultural diversity of the population. The strategy identifies a projected need of 10,700 new affordable housing dwellings in Cumberland between 2016 and 2036, of which approximately 70% will be needed for very low income households, and 50% of which will need to be larger dwellings.

The strategy provides an overview of the current policy context, and identifies key priorities and actions which Council can pursue to continue to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing over the next 20 years. It also aligns with the Central City District Plan and Cumberland 2030: Our Local Strategic Planning Statement.

The draft strategy was publicly exhibited in July and August 2020. Council formally adopted the Cumberland Affordable Housing Strategy on 23 November 2020.


Affordable Housing Policy

The Affordable Housing Policy seeks to address housing affordability through the identification of mechanisms available to Council for the provision of affordable housing. It aims to:

  • Support the provision of affordable housing in Cumberland City, with a priority for
    households on very low and low incomes as well as key workers
  • Enable the dedication of dwellings to Council and/or collection of monetary contributions for the provision of affordable housing; and
  • Support the achievement of affordable housing outcomes as outlined in district and
    local strategic planning frameworks.
