Cumberland Local Planning Panel
Council has established an independent hearing and assessment panel with a delegation to make final and independent determinations on development applications and recommendations for Planning Proposals to Council that are referred to it.
The membership of consists of four members, two drawn from a pool of experts in the respective fields of environmental and planning, a rotating community member, and a permanent chair.
The Cumberland Local Planning Panel will typically meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 11.30am at least 10 times each year. The specific dates and times are provided on the website.
The Panel will publish its reasons and conclusions for decisions and a record of voting and is subject to Council approved Cumberland Local Planning Panel Policy and Procedures.
Current operations of Local Planning Panels
The NSW Government has made improvements to the way Local and Regional Planning Panels work to make them more efficient including:
- reducing the need to conduct public panel meetings for non-contentious matters by applying a ‘10-or-more’ objection trigger for public meetings
- reducing the amount of modifications going to panels
- obliging panel chairs to more actively manage development applications (DAs) coming to the panels to reduce panel deferrals and assessment timeframes
- allowing chairs to bring forward determination on DAs that are experiencing unreasonable delays of over 180 days from lodgement
- introducing panel performance measures.
For more information visit:
Frequently asked questions
Relevant documents
- Registration to address the Panel (PDF, 116KB)
- Registration to address the Panel (DOCX, 27KB)
- Local Planning Panels Direction – Planning Proposals
- Local Planning Panels Direction - Development Applications and Applications to Modify Development Consents (PDF, 508KB)
- Local Planning Panels Direction – Operational Procedures
- Local Planning Panels Code of Conduct
- Local Planning Panels
- Local Planning Panels FAQs