Incy Wincy Spider in different languages
Cumberland City Council staff and the educators from Wenty Children's Centre share this favourite nursery rhyme in Community languages.
Rainbow Walking Water Experiment
Parramatta West Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) show you how to make coloured water walk in this cool experiment using water, food colouring and paper towel.
Marble Art
Sherwood Grange Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) have a cool marble art experiment using food colouring, dishwashing liquid and a cotton ball.
Shadow Art
Sherwood Grange Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) have a fun shadow drawing art experience using toys or figurines, a torch and drawing pencils.
How do I wash my hands?
Sherwood Grange Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) have a great hand washing tutorial using black paint instead of soap to show how effective good hand washing can be.