Have Your Say
Create Cumberland: Our Community Strategic Plan
Council is holding six interactive sessions to get feedback from the community about the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). At each location, the first 50 attendees who complete a survey will receive a FREE ACAI BOWL! These sessions will allow you to share your thoughts and get involved in the fun activities.
- The Granville Centre: Tuesday 1 October, 11am to 2pm
- Redgum Function Centre: Tuesday 8 October, 11am to 2pm
- Allan G Ezzy Function Centre: Monday 14 October, 11am to 2pm
- Berala Community Centre: Monday 21 October, 11am to 2pm
- Auburn Centre for Community: Monday 28 October, 11am to 2pm
- The Holroyd Centre: Saturday 2 November, 11am to 2pm
To complete the online survey or for more information, visit: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/create-cumberland
Active Ageing Week
To celebrate Active Ageing Week from 2-8 October, we are hosting activities for senior residents aged 60 years and over (50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) living within Cumberland City to explore the benefits of active living.
For more information or to book your place now, visit: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/active-ageing-week

Diwali Street Celebrations - Expressions of Interest
Council is seeking interested individuals/groups/ organisations to present high quality, contemporary and culturally relevant performances, activities and activations to create an engaging experience for event attendees.
EOI close: 11:30pm, Sunday 29 September 2024
If you wish to express interest, please scan the QR code to submit a form: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/diwali
Celebrate Children’s Week at Cumberland’s Biggest Bush School!
Join us for a fun-filled event featuring a special storytime with Poppy the Possum, children’s activities and face painting. Don’t forget to bring a picnic rug!
Thursday 24 October 2024, 10am to 11:30am
Auburn Botanic Gardens, 99 Chiswick Road, Auburn
No bookings required. For more information, visit: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/biggest-bush-school

Your Rates at Work
Footpath Renewals
Council has recently completed footpath renewals at Warialda Street in Merrylands West and St Johns Road in Auburn where over 1km of footpath in total was resurfaced and new concrete was laid.
Let us know of any issues in your area by using the Snap Send Solve mobile app which can be found on Council’s website: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/snapsendsolve
Affordable and Accessible Child Care
Council's long day care centres for children aged 0-5 years old are now taking enrolments!
If your child is starting school next year, the State Government’s Start Strong Program will provide a discount of up to $42.20 per week, in addition to the Child Care Subsidy.
Spaces are limited! For more information, visit: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/enrol