
Domestic and family violence resource directory

Resources and support services for people experiencing domestic and family violence.

Need help now?

If you are in immediate danger, call Triple 000.

For more information on where to get help please visit:

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, verbal, cultural or religious abuse please see below for telephone and online help services and resources.

Help services and resources

National helplines and websites

  • 1800RESPECT website - National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. Online Chat 24 hours a day or call 1800 737 732 .
  • Aboriginal DFV Hotline - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday - contact line for information on your rights, how to access counselling and financial assistance. Call 1800 019 123.
  • NSW Domestic Violence Line - is a 24-hour 7-day line to connect with a caseworker to get hospital care, counselling and family support services, understanding Apprehended Violence Order's (AVO) and how to get one and develop a safety plan, find emergency accommodation and obtain help with transport for you and your children, talk to the police, courts and lawyers. Call 1800 656 463.
  • Kids Help Line - is a 24-hour 7-day telephone and online webchat counselling service, anytime for any reason - Call 1800 551 800.
  • Lifeline, 24-hour telephone crisis support – confidential, professional and welcoming for all religions, ages, genders, and sexual orientation. For crisis support call 13 11 14.
  • Men's Line Australia - is a telephone and online webchat counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns. Support for Australian men anywhere, anytime. Call 1300 789 978
  • Men's Referral Service - is a 24-hour 7-day telephone or webchat counselling service working with men who use family violence, and the sector that supports them, to change their abusive and violent behaviour. Call 1300 766 491.
  • National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) - provide specialist, culturally safe legal services and supports to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons experiencing family violence across Australia. Call 03 9244 3333
  • Women's Legal Service NSW (WLS) is a community legal centre providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services or call the Advice Line on 1800 801 501.
  • Translating and Interpreting service (TIS) – free telephone or onsite interpreters in your language. Available 24 hours every day of the year. Call 131 450.

Mental health and wellbeing

  • ACON -  Resources and support services for those experiencing domestic and family violence.
  • NSW Health - Healthy, Safe and Well: A Strategic Health Plan for Children, Young People and Families (NSW Health 2014)
  • Safer Pathway - Safer Pathway is the state-wide program that assists victim-survivors of domestic and family violence access the services and supports they need.
  • Translating and Interpreting service (TIS) – free telephone or onsite interpreters in your language. Available 24 hours every day of the year. Call 131 450.
  • Western Sydney MindGuide - Access to local mental health resources.
  • Way Ahead Directory - Search for a mental health service near year.

Legal support and research

Education and training

  • Change the story - Change the story is our national framework for a consistent and integrated approach to preventing violence against women and their children in Australia.
  • Educational videos -  A series of educational videos, translated in to Arabic, Dari, Korean, Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) and Tamil.
  • Finding Safety Community Mobiliser Program - JRS’ Finding Safety Project is an innovative project supporting women on temporary visas. This includes women seeking asylum who have experienced sexual and gender-based violence (S/GBV) or are at risk of it. 
  • Information Sessions - Book an info session for Community groups and leaders.
  • 'Make A Stand' podcast series - Stories of Resilience – Make A Stand, podcast.
  • Services Australia - Supporting people affected by family and domestic violence by providing information, resources and referrals.
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