
Section 603 certificates - outstanding rates

Applicants can seek to find out, through a Section 603 certificate, the amount (if any) due or payable to Council by way of rates, charges or otherwise for a parcel of land.

Request a certificate online

Certificates can be requested online.


  • There is a statutory fee of $100 payable for each Section 603 certificate. GST is not applicable.
  • If you require a copy of the certificate to be faxed to you or require a certificate urgently, there is an additional fee of $41 per certificate payable.
  • If you require a refund of the Section 603, an administration fee of $32.50 will apply. Council can only refund if the Certificate has not been issued.

Processing time

The usual processing time for a Section 603 certificate is 5 days from the date of receipt and payment. The certificate may be ordered online, through the mail, or over the counter at Council’s Administration Centre.

Section 735A

If you are purchasing a property you may also want an Outstanding Notice Certificate - Section 735A (PDF, 59KB) for Outstanding Notices/Orders.