
Grey Box Gum (Eucalyptus microcarpa)

Grey Box Gum, scientifically known as Eucalyptus microcarpa, is a species of eucalypt native to southeastern Australia.

This medium-sized Eucalypt is widespread in the Cumberland Plains area.

It thrives in the heavy clay soils of the local area and has a high tolerance to frost and wind.

This tree produces masses of fluffy white flowers which appear between the months of February and June.

Grey Box Gums provide excellent habitat for wildlife. Flowers are a food source for Sugar Gliders, Squirrel Gliders, native birds and insects. Hollows provide nesting and refuge for native birds and mammals.

Its leaves can be used to produce a range of dyes.

Tree locations

This tree can be found at 

  • Fourth Avenue in south western portion of Kibo Reserve 
  • 287 Park Road Auburn at the Centre of Grey Box Reserve