Book online or send documents for printing before stepping through the door.
Simply become a library member first. Join the Library - membership is free.
Computer booking information
Computer booking rules
- Bookings can be made in the library or at home using the online self-booking system
- No bookings can be taken over the phone. Computers can be booked up to 1 week in advance
- You can only have one booking in advance at a time
- Library members are entitled to 180 minutes of computer use per day
Free Wi-Fi details
- Free Wi-Fi is available at all branches
- The Wi-Fi service turns off 10 minutes before closing time
- Visitors to the library can use the Wi-Fi for 90 minutes, with a daily download limit of 100MB. No password is required
- Members of the library can use the Wi-Fi on 3 devices for 14 hours, a daily download limit of five gigabyte per Library card applies. You must have a Library card number and PIN number to connect
Photocopying and printing
- Photocopying and printing is available in black/white and colour at all libraries
- All copiers provide both A3 and A4 sized copies
- You cannot make transparencies with any of the photocopiers
- Library staff are available to help if you need help with photocopying or printing