Current year
- Tender for Munro Street Reserve, Greystanes Playspace Upgrade - Design and Construct
- Tender for Replacement of Toilet Block at Merrylands Station
- Tender for Kibo Reserve Upgrade Project
- Tender for Road Infrastructure Services
- Tender for Road Condition Audit 2024
- Tender for Demolition of Guildford Swimming Centre
- Tender for Auburn Park Extension Project
- Tender for Road Infrastructure Services EOI
- Tender for Provision of Out Front Mowers with Rear
- Tender for Provision of Premium Parks Mowing
Previous years
- Tender for Reactive Plumbing Services Panel and Reactive Electrical Services Panel
- Tender for Stormwater & Creek Maintenance Contract
- Tender for Rosnay (Auburn) Golf Course Irrigation
- Tender for Kulgun Park Playspace Upgrade
- Tender for Central Park, Lidcombe - Playspace Upgrade - Design and Construct
- Tender for Auburn Depot Amenities Upgrade
- Tender for Dudley Reserve Playspace Upgrade
- Tender for Merrylands Library Cladding Replacement
- Tender for Alderson Park Upgrade Works
- Tender for Ray Marshall Reserve Field 3
- Tender for Purdie Lane Toilet Block
- Tender for Open Space Condition Audit
- Tender for Cleaning of Buildings and Facilities
- Tender for Buildings Condition Audit
- Tender for Mona Park, Harold Moon Playground Upgrade
- Tender for Gym Facility at Granville Pool
- Tender for Design Consultant - Joseph Street
- Tender for Granville Park (Eric Tweedale Stadium) - New Field Perimeter Fencing
- Tender for Phillips Park Playground Upgrade
- Tender for Ruth St Park Demolition and Upgrade
- Tender for Pippita Rail Trail Concept Design and Documentation
- Tender for Norford Park - Remediation Works
- Tender for Norman Park Playspace Upgrade - Design and Construct
- Tender for Stormwater and Creek Maintenance
- Tender for Civic Park and Pendle Creek Wetland
- Tender for Cyber Security as a service
- Tender for Maunder Reserve - Demolition and Upgrade
- Tender for Play Space Upgrade Program
- Tender for Receival, processing and disposal of bulky waste
- Tender for Receival, Processing and Disposal of Organics
- Tender for Guildford Food Works Super Market Roof and HVAC
- Tender for Receival, Processing and Disposal of Waste
- Tender for Swim Centre FM and Services Contract
- Tender for Granville Pool Filter Pump Upgrade
- Tender for Fleet Management Services
- Tender for Granville Park Fields 3, 4 & 5 Floodlighting Upgrade
- Tender for Level 2 Bridge Inspection - 2021
- Tender for Auburn Depot Demolition and Construction
- Tender for Granville Park Fields 3, 4 & 5 Irrigation Upgrade
- Tender for Granville Park Fields 3, 4 and 5 Floodlighting Upgrade
- Tender for Demolition of Merrylands Arcade
- Tender for Granville Pool Amenities Upgrade
- Street Flag Banner Program
- Cumberland Town Centre Christmas Program 2021
- EOI Merrylands Civic Square
- Auburn Civic Centre Mechanical (Air Conditioning) Upgrade
- EOI for New Cumberland City Council Administration Building
- Sale of Cumberland City Council Long Day
- Utility bill Management and Verification
- GPT, Boom and Stormwater Pipe Cleaning
- Lease opportunity - Wyatt Park Oval – Lidcombe
- Lease opportunity - Wyatt Park, Skate & Wheel Sports Facility - Lidcombe
- Sale of Long Day Care
- Dellwood Street Footpath Upgrade
- Security Services for Cumberland City Council
- Consultant - Strategic Masterplan - Prospect Pipeline Corridor
- Tree planting
- Opportunity for Redevelopment of Council's site at Wentworthville
- Merrylands Library and Community Centre Renewal of Elevator Cars
- Granville Town Hall
- Merrylands CBD Infrastructure Upgrade
- Tree Services Panel Contract
- Proposed sale and future redevelopment of 13 John Street, Lidcombe
- Alterations to Existing Building at 219 Merrylands Road
- Everley North Park, Extension and Repairs to Existing Amenities Block
- Granville Park, Field Reconstruction
- Traffic and Transport Capability Study for Cumberland Centres and Corridors
- Land Use Capability Study for Cumberland Centres and Corridors
- Chartered Bus Service
- Merrylands Administration Building and Library Carpet Renewal
- Recyclable Material Acceptance and Processing Services
- Granville Park Community Sports Pavilion - Construction
- Merrylands Community Centre and Library Cladding Renewal
- Tender for Large Billboard Advertising
- Provision of Bulky Waste Processing Service
- Wolseley St, Merrylands Stormwater Drainage
- Neil Street Merrylands – Road and Drainage Works
- Property Leasing and Property Management Services
- Verge and Public Domain Mowing
- Auburn Botanical Gardens Entry Revitalisation
- Wentworthville Swim Centre Modernisation
- Bus Shelters
- CCTV Upgrade
- Central Gardens All Abilities & Mixed Age Playground
- EOI for Roads Infrastructure Services
- Reactive and minor projects related works panel tender
- Gipps Road Sporting Complex Asbestos Remediation Project
- CCTV and Lighting Upgrade
- Supply, Install and Maintain Bus Shelters
- Website Refresh
- Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre (Kitchen Set-up/Modification)
- Alternations and Additions to Friend Park Children’s Centre
- Security Services
- Replacement booking system
- Minor Civil Works for Heritage Test Excavations
- Community Facilities Review and Needs
- Demolition of Granville Park Grandstand
- Merrylands Office Air Conditioning Upgrade - opened 2 October 2018
- EOI for Granville Multipurpose Centre - opened 2 October 2018
- Construction of Gross Pollutant Traps - Opened 25 September 2018
- Design Services for Granville Park Stadium - opened 20 September 2018
- Quotation for Construction of Amenities Building at Ted Burge Sportsground - opened 6 September 2018
- Mona Park Change rooms Upgrade - opened 6 September 2018
- Auburn Civic Centre Revitalisation Project - opened 28 August 2018
- CCTV Condition Audit of Stormwater Pipe Network - opened 12 June 2018
- Remediation of 42 - 48 Station Street, Guildford - opened 15 May 2018
- Receival and Processing of Garden Organics
- Merrylands Revitalisation Project - Feasibility Study
- Future Use of the Former Auburn RSL
Other relevant documents
For further information in relation to Council’s Procurement, see below documents.