Change / variation of your business type
If you are making changes or variations to your business into a new sector e.g. from a office space to a retail shop, or from a salon to beauty services, Development Approval (DA) may be required.
Contact Council and speak with a Duty Planner by phone, email or visit Council’s service counter between 8:30am to 3:30pm daily.
No appointment required.
Change of business premises
If you are making any face-lifts, renovations or change the feature of your business premises, a Development Approval (DA) or Complying Development Certificate (CDC) might be needed.
Contact Council and speak with a Duty Planner by phone, email or visit Council’s service counter between 8:30am to 3:30pm daily.
No appointment is required.
Selling / closing your business
If the business you plan to sell or close involves the sale of food and drink, or provision of beauty and skin penetration services, then you need to inform Council’s Environmental Health Team of the changes by emailing council@cumberland.nsw.gov.au
Selling / closing your business can take some time to plan as you need to ensure the obligations of employees, tax, lease and other legal obligations including cancel your business name, deregister your company and close your business account in the bank.
For details, visit business.gov.au/exiting