
Plastic Free July 2024

Plastic Free July is a challenge that gets people thinking about the amount of plastic packaging in our lives and helps find ways to reduce or refuse these items.

Why get involved?

Australians use around 100kg of plastic packaging per household each year.

Plastics don’t break up or break down in the environment and are mostly unable to be recycled. They will end up in landfill or as litter and pollute our streets, waterways and oceans.

By participating in Plastic Free July you will join the millions of people from around the world making a difference to the planet.

Sign up to the challenge

Take up the challenge and choose to avoid, refuse or replace as much single-use plastic as you can during July. You can register your contribution by signing up to the challenge on the Plastic Free July website

Easy ways to make a difference

When out and about

  • Take a reusable coffee cup with you and support coffee shops that provide discounts to customers using a reusable cup

  • Use a reusable drink bottle – Sydney’s water is from natural sources. It’s filtered to the high standards set by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines ensuring it’s safe to drink straight from the tap

  • Straws – refuse to use a straw when eating out or buy a reusable one; either bamboo or metal

Whilst at the shops

  • Take your own reusable cloth bags when you shop – keep a few in your car or one in your handbag so you always have one ready to go.
  • Need fruit and vegetables? Skip the plastic bag and pre-packaged fruit and vegetables.
  • Avoid beauty products with micro-beads.
  • Choose products in cardboard packaging or glass. Or buy products with the least packaging.

Things you can do at home

  • Bin liners – see how to use newspapers to line your bin.
  • Try not using a liner at all and for any food or wet scraps have a sealed container and freeze until bin day.

Make your own cleaning products

You can make the same cleaning products that normally sell in bulk containers, and usually packed in cardboard. You've probably got all the ingredients in your cupboard.

Bleach may seem like an excellent cleaner of fungi and mold in the bathroom, however, vinegar is actually a better mould killer in many cases.

Also about a third of household bathroom cleaners sold in Australia feature bleach as an active ingredient. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to get rid of soap scum.

Want more tips and tricks for making the move to going plastic free - visit the Plastic Free July website

Further information

For more information contact Council's Project Officer (Resource Recovery) on 8757 9640.