
Pedestrian safety

Road users need to be aware of pedestrians when they are driving but pedestrians also have road rules they need to follow.

More than 730 pedestrians are hit on Sydney Metropolitan roads every year. 

Each year, over 730 pedestrians are struck by vehicles on Sydney Metropolitan roads. In 2023, within the Cumberland City Council area, one pedestrian lost their life, and 53 were injured. Pedestrians accounted for 9.2% of all road casualties.

Between 2021 and 2023, a total of six pedestrian fatalities occurred. The highest number of pedestrian injuries was seen in the "over 60" age group (33.6%), followed by the "0 to 16" age group (17.9%), the "26 to 39" age group (16.4%), and the "40 to 59" age group (12.7%).

Pedestrian safety tips

Before crossing a road or entering an area where there are moving vehicles follow these tips:

  • Look left and right before crossing the road to look for bicycles, motorcycles and incoming traffic.
  • Listen for cars reversing behind you and traffic approaching from corners.
  • Watch out for cars from all different directions.

What you can do as a pedestrian

  • Use pedestrian crossings or cross at the traffic lights when the pedestrian crossing light is green. Be sure to obey the signals at crossings.
  • Avoid crossing against an amber or red traffic light or a Don't Walk sign as you may misjudge the time it takes to cross the road.
  • Check traffic has actually stopped before you step onto the road. A cyclist, motorcycle rider or driver may run the red light and not see you.
  • Do not assume a cyclist, motorcyclist or driver has seen you because you have seen them.
  • Walk in the direction of oncoming traffic.
  • Avoid crossing roads near hills, near a corner or between parked cars where it may be difficult for a cyclist, motorcyclist, car or bus to see you.
  • If you get off the bus, wait for the bus to leave before crossing the road so cars can see you and you can see them.
  • Wear light-coloured clothing and a reflector (e.g. wristband or sash) at night.
  • If you cannot cross the roads in one attempt, wait on the median strip until the traffic is clear.
  • Avoid using your mobile phone or headphones when crossing the road.
  • Hold your young children’s hands and encourage them to look left and right when crossing the road.
  • Teach young children to always cross at a dedicated crossing.
  • Watch for cars who are reversing out of driveways and turning onto the road from car parks.

What you can do as a driver

  • You must give way to pedestrians crossing the road if you are in danger of hitting them, even if there is no marked pedestrian crossing.
  • Slow down on roads where there are likely to be pedestrians such as school zones, shopping centres, restaurants, pubs and clubs.
  • Never assume someone walking across the road has seen you and will wait for you to go past.
  • Seniors or pedestrians with a disability may take a longer time to cross the road.
  • Children are difficult to see and may act unpredictably.

How We Can Help

Contact our Road Safety Officer via email to let us know about any problems with footpaths, walkways or pedestrian crossings or suggestions on how we can make our roads safe for people walking.