
Change your Name or Address Details

In this section find out how to update your name or address on your Council record.

Change of name

If you have changed your name and would like Council to amend our records, please supply a copy of your Marriage Certificate or your Change of Name by Deed Poll certificate by email to or post to

PO Box 42

Please note: This change of name through Council’s records will not change the ownership name of a certificate of title and will need to be changed through NSW Land Registry Services, formerly known as the Land Titles Office, Property Information Office and Land Property Management Authority.

Change of postal address

Notification must be in writing; we cannot accept notifications of change of address over the telephone.

Download the Change of Mailing Address Form (PDF, 134KB) or send an email to If your current postal address is different from the address shown on the front of the Rate Notice, please notify us immediately in writing by post or email. If you have an agent managing your property they may advise us directly in writing on your behalf.