
How rates are calculated

This page explains how 2024-25 rates are calculated in the Cumberland Local Government Area.

How rates are calculated in Cumberland City Council

The Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for Local Government determined that Cumberland City Council may increase its general income by not more than 5% above the general income for the 2024/2025 financial year.

Rates are calculated based on the property value as determined by the NSW Valuer General. A rate in the dollar is applied to the property value, subject to a minimum amount. The 2022 base date land valuations were used for rating purposes. Further details are provided below.

How rates are calculated in the former Holroyd area

  Residential Rate Business Rate Industrial and Multi Level Shopping Centre Rate
Rate for each dollar of unimproved land value 0.0012301 0.0029314 0.0029750
Minimum Rates $860 for properties with a land value less than $699,130 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $448,932 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $442,352

How rates are calculated in the former Auburn area

  Residential Rate Business Rate Industrial and Multi Level Shopping Centre Rate
Rate imposed on each dollar of unimproved land value 0.0011899 0.0030253 0.0031603
Minimum rate $860 for properties with a land value less than $722,749 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $434,998 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $416,416

How rates are calculated in the former Parramatta area

  Residential Rate Business Rate Industrial and Multi Level Shopping Centre
Rate imposed on each dollar of unimproved land value 0.0012907 0.0033036 0.0035918
Minimum rate $860 for properties with a land value less than $666,305 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $398,353 $1,316 for properties with a land value less than $366,390

Stormwater charges

The following stormwater charges apply to each rateable property.

  Residential Rate Business Rate Industrial and Multi Level Shopping Centre Rate
Stormwater charge $25 $25 per 350 square metres, capped at $500 per property maximum $25 per 350 square metres, capped at $500 per property maximum
Stormwater charge strata properties $12.50 $12.50 $12.50