Affordable accommodation
Our units are one bedroom, large enough for two people, and studios for individual occupants. They are also on ground level or the first floor, making them easier to access.
To be eligible for accommodation
You must be
- currently living or working in the Cumberland LGA and be able to provide evidence of having done so for at least 6 months.
- be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia
- be in receipt of an Aged Pension, Disability Pension, or aged over 55 years
- not own any assets or property which could reasonably be expected to resolve their housing need
- have applied to NSW Housing for social housing and be able to supply Council with a Tnumber
- be able to live independently and sustain a successful tenancy with or without support
- be willing to undergo a 'Medical and Independent Living Skills Assessment'
How units are allocated
Council has a waiting list for all units. Assessment of applications, however, is based on need. Priority will be given to applicants who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Also, one bedroom units will be given to couples and single applicants will generally be offered a studio.
Where the units are
The units are based at:
- Euston Road, Auburn NSW 2144 (shared laundry facility for residents)
- Tavistock Street, Auburn NSW 2144 (shared laundry facility for residents)
- Church Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141
- Platform Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141
- One accessible unit at Council’s Euston Road block.
For more information or to receive an application form, call 8757 9000.
Helpful links
- Apply for the NDIS for Government financial assistance
- Consider a NSW Companion Card if you need a high level of care and help to participate in activities
- Download Cumberland Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan