
Cumberland Council’s first Community Engagement Public Participation Strategy

10 December 2018 - Media Release
10 Dec 2018 - Have Your Say

Cumberland Council has adopted its first Community Engagement and Public Participation Strategy.

General Manager Hamish McNulty said the strategy documents Cumberland Council’s commitment to creating engagement opportunities that are genuine, transparent and support informed decision making by Cumberland’s elected representatives.

“My number one priority as General Manager is strengthening the relationship between Council and the community; building trust and improving customer satisfaction,” Mr McNulty said.

“I’m delighted to introduce Council’s first Community Engagement and Participation Strategy, which will turn these good intentions into actions that help shape the future of Cumberland.

“Community engagement is more than just sending out surveys or putting documents on Public Exhibition. It’s about our commitment to use the information you give us to shape and influence the decisions that affect you.”

Mayor Greg Cummings said ultimately the goal is that Council decisions better reflect the interests and concerns of the community, and that Council promotes sustainable decisions by recognising and communicating the needs and interests of all participants.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in co-designing our first Community Engagement and Participation Strategy,” Mayor Cummings said.

“We sought your feedback on why, when and in what way you want to participate. The result is this document, which will guide the way Council engages with the community over the next three years.

“We really value your input and look forward to continually demonstrating how your contribution will positively impact Council’s future plans, policies and programs. I firmly believe that our best days are before us.”

The Community Engagement and Public Participation Strategy will be updated annually to respond to emerging trends, within the community and within best practice community engagement.