Development Contributions
The funding of local infrastructure is assisted in part by developer contributions known as Section 7.11 or Section 7.12 contributions.
Councils in NSW have the ability to levy developers for contributions towards local infrastructure under the Environmental and Planning Assessment Act (EP&A). The Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan addresses how Council will assess, collect, spend and administer developer contributions.
Council’s Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan describes anticipated development, population forecast, infrastructure needs and the contribution to be paid by a development towards infrastructure provision.
Contributions apply to all development applications, except for development exempt under the plan and contributions are due in accordance with the plan or consent conditions approved by Council. The type of contribution that applies depends on the development type. For general guidance on development types and contribution type click here, for a detailed explanation refer to Part 4 of the Cumberland Contribution Plan.
The Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan came into effect on the 15 January 2020, and applies to all land within the Cumberland Local Government Area.
For new rates refer to the below. Note that the contribution rates are adjusted quarterly, influenced by the Sydney Consumer Price Index (CPI) and that CPI continue to apply to approved development applications until paid. Prior to issuing of a complying development certificate, contributions must be paid to Council.
The following Contribution Plans applied to development applications received prior to the 15 January 2020. These Plans no longer apply except for site specific contribution rates for site specific lands, identified in the Cumberland Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan and development application approved prior to the 15 January 2020.
Cumberland Contribution Rates - applicable for all applications lodged after 15 January 2020
View the current indexed Cumberland Development Contribution Rates (PDF, 329KB)
Further information
Should you have any questions regarding Development Contributions and Planning Agreements, please contact Council on 8757 9000.