
Verse and prose of interplanetary travel at Auburn Writers Group

Writers and poets will be exploring why a one way trip to another planet is a good idea during the Cumberland Local Festival.
18 Apr 2019 - Arts & Culture

Writers and poets will be exploring why a one way trip to another planet is a good idea during the Cumberland Local Festival.

On Wednesday 1 May, The Auburn Poets and Writers Group will host a workshop titled ‘We May As Well Be From Mars’, a multilingual group performance presented in verse, story, sketch and song, as part of the Sydney Writers Festival.

The group will explore the theme described as the following:

“When modern life on earth robs individuals of their identities, and the spread of corporate power threatens our ever-warming globe, what happens when a new probe lands on Mars? Suddenly, Elon Musk’s fanciful one-way trip to the red planet doesn’t seem like such a terrible idea.”

Cumberland Mayor Greg Cummings said the event demonstrated the artistic scope a multicultural community like Cumberland promotes for its residents and visitors alike.

“Cumberland is rich and diverse in many ways, particularly in the arts scene and this event will provide local people as well as visitors an insight into how creative people in Cumberland really are,” Clr Cummings said.

“The Cumberland Local Festival is a journey into our individuality so I invite our residents and people from across Sydney to experience this event and the many others that showcase our unique community.”

The Auburn Poets and Writers Group (APWG) has been meeting for more than 10 years. APWG currently meet on the first Monday of each month at Auburn Library as part of Cumberland Council’s Lifelong Learning program. The group is multilingual and participants share, encourage and discuss their writing and work towards performance opportunities.

The event will be held Wednesday 1 May from 7:30pm to 9pm at the Auburn Town Hall– 1 Susan Street, Auburn.

It is a free event recommended for ages 15-plus and bookings are essential.

For more information contact Michael Brown, Cumberland Council by email or 8757 9780.