Expressions of Interest closed on 20 May 2024
Council will be giving Merrylands and Guildford station pedestrian subway tunnels a makeover with the installation of new mural artworks, designed to revitalise the area.
Council is looking for artists / artist teams to conceive, design and produce a public artwork (murals) for each of the Stations. Local artists including emerging; First Nations; and or culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) artists are strongly encouraged to apply. This Expression of Interest (EOI) is coordinated by Cumberland City Council.
There are two sites for mural artwork designs, as follows:
Commission 1 – Guildford Station
Commission 2 – Merrylands Station
The purpose of the Commissions is to provide a distinctive contemporary public artwork on the ramp walls and tunnel walls and ceiling to enhance the pedestrian experience at each of the Stations. These projects will be seen by commuters every day and as such, will have a lasting effect on locals and visitors.
The themes to guide the murals will be developed alongside the Community via workshops prior to selecting the shortlisted artists. These workshops will be undertaken by Public Art Consultants ARTSCAPE. The shortlisted artists will be provided a thematic framework to use in developing their concepts.
Program Details
Key Program Dates
Stage 1 – April to June 2024
Friday 12 April: EOI Opens
Monday 20 May: EOI Closes
Friday 14 June: Artists advised of outcome
Stage 2 – June to August 2024
Late June: Shortlisted artists invited to attend site briefing
July: Shortlisted artists submit detailed application/concept design
August: Successful artist advised, and contracts provided
Stage 3 – August to December 2024
August to September: Design development with project team
September to December: Production / installation of public artwork
*Please note that the schedule is subject to alteration based on project requirements and weather conditions.
Stage 1 - April to June 2024
Applicants must submit their EOI by no later than 5pm, 20 May 2024 via the online submission form.
- A maximum 250-word response detailing your interest in this project and your connection to Guildford and/or Merrylands.
- A maximum 250-word response detailing how your practice can enhance the community’s experience of their daily journeys through stations and town centres.
- A maximum 500-word response outlining your previous experience working in the public domain, as part of a team and your capacity to deliver within the timeframe.
- A maximum 500-word response outlining the perceived challenges you see working in the pedestrian tunnel, ramps and stairs and the methods you will use to mitigate the challenges.
- A maximum 2-page Bio and CV
- Up to 5 relevant examples of your work
- A price to undertake the commission and confirmation that a site visit has been undertaken to check dimensions / surface area
- Availability to participate in the program as outlined above.
Submissions that do not meet all the requirements of Stage 1 will be excluded from further consideration. Council is not committed contractually in any way to an organisation or individual whose submissions in response to Stage 1 EOI are accepted. The issue of this Stage 1 EOI does not commit Council to proceed with any part of this project.
*Please note STAGE ONE artists are not required to submit a proposal or concept design.
Stage 2 - June to August 2024
Up to two (2) shortlisted artists will be notified and invited to attend a site briefing on Monday 27 May.
Shortlisted artists will be asked to submit a detailed application and concept design for Commission 1 or Commission 2, whichever they have been shortlisted for, directly to Michael Brown – Senior Coordinator Events and Culture by no later than Monday 24 June.
Shortlisted applicants must submit
- A detailed concept design including consideration from multiple perspectives and elevations
- Outline how the Place Analysis and engagement has informed the creation of the work
- An artist statement outlining artwork themes and relevance to the brief, and where appropriate any First Nations heritage and context of the site and surrounds;
- A project plan and schedule delineating key milestones including design completion and production milestones;
- A maintenance manual detailing considerations for ongoing maintenance where needed;
- A detailed budget, including a detailed costing for design and creation of the artwork. The costing should include, but is not limited to:
- Artist fee
- Production material costs ie: paint, brushes, drop sheets, etc
- scaffolding, cherry pickers and or hoardings needed for installation
- Associated development and engagement costs
- Administrative costs.
Shortlisted artists will be advised of outcomes in early July.
A fee of $2,000 will be paid to each artist to develop their application and concept design.
Progression of artists to this stage does not constitute an agreement by Cumberland City Council to design the concept.
Stage 3 – August to December 2024
One (1) artist / artist team will be selected to undertake each of the Commissions. Further information about the program will be provided to the successful artists / artist teams.
Budgets have been allocated for each of the Commissions, which remain undisclosed. A portion of the budget is dedicated towards works to be undertaken by Council. This includes, but is not limited to, wall preparation, balustrade and handrail restoration, provision of attribution plaque and anti-graffiti coating.
Artists are requested to provide a quote for all services required to complete the mural commission. This includes, but not limited to, concept design, design development, liaison with Client and Public Art Curator, materials, equipment and attendance at opening and associated media.
The approximate areas of each Commission are provided below:
Guildford Train Station Subway Measurements | Approximate Surface Area (m2) |
East Side (Railway Terrace) 2 walls | 135 |
West Side (Military Road) 2 walls | 125 |
Tunnel (Underpass) 2 walls and ceiling | 160 |
TOTAL | 420 |
Merrylands Train Station Subway Measurements | Approx. Surface Area (m2) |
East Side (Railway Terrace) 2 walls | 76 |
West Side (Military Road) 2 walls | 87 |
Tunnel (Underpass) 2 walls and ceiling | 156 |
TOTAL | 319 |
This EOI requires the submitting artists to provide a price to undertake the murals. The submitting artists are required to visit the site and confirm the approximate surface areas. They should not rely on the areas listed above. The artist submission to this EOI must confirm they have checked all dimensions when providing pricing information.
The surfaces to be painted at Guildford and Merrylands Stations are the walls and ceiling of the tunnels and the walls of their pedestrian ramps and stairs that allows people to cross the rail line from east to west and vice versa.
The design of the murals must consider Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). The tunnels are generally dark and any mural should enhance existing lighting outputs eg: they should not be dark murals that decrease visibility in the tunnels.
The tunnels, particularly Guildford, are affected by water which seeps down the walls and stains them in parts. Artworks designed for these walls should acknowledge this and integrate the water seepage / staining into the work.

A site visit will be undertaken with shortlisted artists and Council’s project team to inform the development of the concept designs. Up to two (2) artists / artist teams will be shortlisted to produce concepts for each Commission. Detailed drawings, with wall dimensions and other specifications, will be provided to shortlisted artists along with a Stage 2 Design Competition Brief. Council will prepare and clean the surfaces prior to installation of the artwork.
*Please note balustrades, handrails, ground plane (including stairs) and surfaces other than concrete are excluded and will not be utilised as a surface element for public art.
Medium and Specifications
- Artists must use paint that is appropriate for the site i.e. all weather exterior
- Anti-graffiti coating is required once the mural is completed and forms part of the production budget.
Work Method Statements
Before artwork production and installation, the commissioned artists will need to submit a Work Method Statement for approval by Council before commencement of work.
Prior to the artwork production, Council and Sydney Trains will coordinate a site clean-up and prepare the walls for painting.
During the artwork production, the commissioned artists will be required to communicate regularly with the Project Management Team reporting on hours of work and any specific requirements or concerns that may be outside the scope of the artist.
It is anticipated that the mural will be scheduled over consecutive days to minimise the risk of vandalism. Once determined – the timeframes will need to be adhered to so that the works are monitored and completed in a timely manner.
Artist Selection Criteria
Submissions, for this EOI, will be assessed in relation to the application’s response to project requirements, scope and background with the following criteria:
- Strong skills in interpreting concepts, ideas and stories into design
- Relevant experience or qualifications in an art or design discipline
- Availability for the proposed duration of the project
- Proven ability to project manage, meet timelines and to work within the project budget
- Proven understanding and ability to respond to themes outlined in this brief as well as respond effectively to the site
- Desirable – experience in working with Local Government to delivery creative, art and or public art projects
- If you are working with First Nations cultural knowledge and or stories you must provide a letter of support from senior Frist Nations’ knowledge holders
- Value for money.
EOI Selection Panel
The selection panel will include the following members:
- Cumberland City Council Arts and Cultural Producer (panel convener)
- ARTSCAPE (Independent Public Art Consultants)
- Cumberland City Council Manager Asset and Construction
- Sydney Trains
Make a Submission
Stage 1 Submissions closed on 20 May 2024
Submissions that do not meet all the requirements of Stage 1 will be excluded from further consideration. Council is not committed contractually in any way to an organisation or individual whose submissions in response to Stage 1 EOI are accepted. The issue of this Stage 1 EOI does not commit Council to proceed with any part of this project.
*Please note STAGE ONE artists are not required to submit a proposal or concept design.
Contact Information
Michael Brown – Senior Coordinator Events and Culture on 02 8757 9780 or email michael.brown@cumberland.nsw.gov.au
David Cianci – Managing Director ARTSCAPE on 0403 062 152 or email dcianci@artscapeconsulting.com.au